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Catalog Length: 2 albums

Creature (Perfect):
I find this song very spiritual. It connects to some deep well within me. Love it when a song does that!
As an autistic person with aphantasia, I have trouble conjouring deep emotions, so songs like this are a great tool to help me access those things. Creature (Perfect) in particular speaks to my inner child, "I don't have to be perfect" is definitely something little Wren should have learned but... er...
The imagery is also accessable to my limited mind's eye; points of light, sensory descriptions... it's about the vibes!
The lyrics are also well arranged--first they relax me into a "deep blue sea" so that by the end, I'm open to the vulnerability required to look lovingly at "my bad poems and my soft belly", let alone to cast back in time to remember "my childhood prayers". Talk about taking an unflinching look at yourself! But, I already know "I don't have to be perfect".
I treasure this tether to such a tender state of mind. Going there reminds me of my inherent value, that I'm worth fighting for. For little Wren who wanted to badly to be perfect and for me now who knows very well we can't be. If I was fuled by perfectionism before, I must run my motivation engine on something new--a search that seems never-ending.
But this song reminds me that "I'm just a creature" after all, so perhaps it is enough to want to be warm and dry and full and in the company of love.

Stranger/Lover (Mura Masa Remix):
I love Mura Masa (story for another time) and so I was primed to like this remix anyway. Remixes usually aren't my jam--I don't bother with them unless I know the remix artist. If I wanted to start getting into remixes, I would need to get familiar with a few more production artists.
Something I really appreciated about this take on an Ibeyi production by Mura Masa is how he used their voices as an instrument, something the original artists certainly consider.

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